Monday, May 25, 2009

Mirror I the most beautiful of all..

Oatmeal and a fruit for breakfast, salad at lunch, yoghurt for dessert and an ultra lean cuisine for dinner (its ultra lean coz the ‘phoreners’:-) say dinner after 7 p.m is poison for those who want to acquire a slim body)..if people are thinking what is this for, then give me the honour to enlighten you (even if you don’t, I would take the privilege :-))—This is the ‘perfect’ menu for looking good..want a trimmer waist and that ‘extra’ glow to complement your face, then u all will have to follow it diligently (now don’t frown, am not telling u guys to starve). After all we have to give competition to the mannequins. Remember..the Bennet daughters..ya am talking of Austen’s pride and prejudice-no beauty, no groom-again Grim’s fairy tales..not even a single story was dedicated to a princess who was not seems children only liked a beautiful princess :-).

Irrespective of our gender, class, caste, community, we all want to look beautiful. Ask the self-conscious teenagers, they say..they want to look ‘beautiful’ to receive recognition and acknowledgement. Similarly, they also want to hang out with ‘beautiful’ people for the same.

Thanks to the ‘touch-ups’ of digital images, this has further encouraged people’s love for beauty/perfection. Eliminating the red-eye effect is more blemishes, freckles, undereye bags and yah! The damn thing pores..u don’t see those anymore in the images. Great! Like words we can edit our looks too.

Now an age old we judge people by their looks/beauty?(the love at first sight people are disqualified from answering this question). So to this an age old answer- a book should not be judged by its cover..did I hear that..did I..someone’s whispering—real beauty is found in the person as a whole..the character, beliefs, behaviour (oh! The clichéd dialogue…). No matter how careful one is…until and unless one has some prior knowledge about the story or the stuff of the book, it’s the outside of the book that decides its fate.

(with malice to one and all… ‘me’ included :-))

1 comment:

bluelark said...

brilliant! your write up got better with every sentence.great ending also. though you were talking about a slim diet here's some humongous food for thought :)