Saturday, April 3, 2010

Asylum Peep


or ‘reason dazzled’

Foucault laments

is long lost

‘madness’ location

discovered ‘space’

madness renaissance…

Shakespeare, Cervantes whispered

discourse delirious

trapped chronic obscurity

ritual exiles

of semi-ambiguous figures

tales and fables

of madman’s truth


…or vain presumption?

tamed emotions burped…

Don Quixote, Ophelia…

hummed with Lear the King

grey lull …

and I hummed with them…

Thursday, April 1, 2010

To err

…is human and human beings err. We believe we all have an image (public rather) and once built we try to protect it at all costs. We expect a winning, pleasing personality everywhere. Image? What is that for? To hide our vulnerabilities and play the right cards at the right time. Why is there a constant scrutiny of hopes? Why our intentions are weighed and talks dissected? Will there ever be a day when we would be brave enough to be ourselves? Laying everything bare (chuckles)…no fear of being judged by the world (basically my family, friends, colleagues etc.). I started it on a serious note but halfway down I realized its futility …so here I am with yet another incomplete thought…