The green curtain fluttered
a dream-like fragrance
with outstretched hands
She came in…
I gently put my hand on hers
She ran her fingers
…through my tangled hair
I looked at her kohled eyes
shadowy lines merged into emptiness
reminded me
…of the dark forest grove
and the name of Rana Uncle
on the flyleaf of her book
middle parting of the hair
and a tight bun behind
highlighted the broad forehead
I looked out of the window
…a purple haze
lights shone like glow-worms
She came up to me
…and stared with helpless eyes
She drew me close
and on my feverish cheeks
put her cold, dry lips
light breeze and her saree trembled
She slept in the next room bed
morning a feigned knock…
the maid said…
‘your mother passed away last night…’
Musings '12
12 years ago